Welcome to the New
Doral Chamber of Commerce!
Marketing Right Hand"Discover The Many Benefits of
The New Doral Chamber of Commerce
The Doral
Chamber of Commerce’s focus since it’s founding has always been to
educate it’s members with seminars, workshops, networking events and
other educational events. The results have been amazing. We were
founded in 2008 by Manny Sarmiento and Carmen Lopez.
examining our member’s needs and the current economic environment, we
have found that in the new “eWorld”, internet communities,
online social relationships and education via the web are the “new”
and best ways to market your business.
The Doral Chamber of Commerce and it’s members are taking you to the
“New World” of Social Media and Internet Marketing beginning February
2013. We are restructuring our benefits and introducing a
a whole new portfolio of practical benefits for your business!